I am sooooo sorry!! I did not know it had been so long!! It has been crazy-but not that bad!! I guess I am just lazy!!
We are getting ready to go back to school in just a couple of days. =( The kids are not ready for school to start and neither am I! Tosha will be a junior, Zac a freshman, and Katie will be in the 6th grade! Oh my goodness! No one in elementary school for 5 years! Of course with school starting, this means that Seminary will start again! I spent quite a few weeks subbing in Primary! I wish I could do that, be in youth, teach Seminary, and do the bulletin. I guess 2 out of 4 isn't bad!! =)
July was busy with Scout Camp and band camp, birthday and 18th wedding anniversary, a trip to Gonzales, LA for back to school shopping, hanging out with friends, and just trying to stay cool!
Joseph now has the nickname of "Fat Albert"!! He is a chunky boy! But I am so glad that he is like that right now versus how he looked when we brought him home almost 5 months ago! He is laughing, talking (learning how to get VERY loud!) scoots all over his crib, has to put everything into his mouth, and is just a very happy boy - for the most part!
Everything seems to be on track with the adoption. We hope to have things finalized the last Friday in September. Then we will spend the second weekend in October having him sealed to us and then blessed. I can't wait for that to happen!