Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Joseph is growing leaps and bounds! He is outgrowing his 12 month sized clothes, and he is learning to pull himself to a standing position! Joseph can scoot across the floor (reverse is his favorite gear right now!)! The more active that he is, the happier he is! Joseph and I like to get out of the house and do things! Right now I have been taking him to the "Y", and he is breaking the hearts of the nursery ladies there! This is the first time that I have not worked after having a baby and I'm not used to this! None of my friends are phone talkers, so I am going without adult conversation a lot of times!

We are slowly getting ready for Christmas! It feels like we just had Christmas! Time is flying by too quickly!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Has it really been a month?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
quick update...sorry no new pictures right now!
We are enjoying our summer break. We are just wishing it was a lot cooler!! This has been a miserable summer. We went 2 months without any rain, and temperatures in the 100's! Trying to convince people to stay in Mississippi (you know who you are!!) has been very difficult to do with these unusual temperatures!!!
Laundry is loudly calling my name - UGH!!!! Hope all is well with you!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
One of the Most Peaceful Places on Earth...

After we were in NJ, we went to central New York where Debi and her family lived for four years. It is a gorgeous area. Small town, but a lot to see and do. Debi, Gabrielle, Joseph and I went to Palmyra to see church sites. The Sacred Grove has to be one of the most peaceful places on the Earth - without entering into a temple. I could go visit there daily! I loved seeing the Joseph Smith home(s), and then we went and saw where the first editions of The Book of Mormon were published. The next day we went to Fayette where The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized. The Fayette church building is wonderful, and I was jealous of the Hicks for having the chance to go to church in such an amazing building! Not to mention that the Peter Whitmer home is just a few hundred yards away from their building! I can't wait until my whole family can take this amazing trip to see some of the church history sites.
Joseph is getting soooo big! He is smiling all of the time, talking/cooing, and has started eating rice cereal. Yes, it might be a little early (according to the new guidelines), but he is still getting up three times at night to eat! I need sleep!!!! It hasn't helped yet, but he does enjoy eating the cereal! He took to eating from a spoon very naturally! I was amazed! We go in for his four month appointment the beginning of July, so we will see how big he has officially become! He no longer looks like he was a preemie!
Everybody else is doing well. Tosha is done with Girls Camp. Zac goes to Scout Camp in a couple of weeks and they both have Youth Conference this weekend. Katie is a big help with Joseph! Mike is on the road - again. I hate that he is gone a lot, but at least he has a job that pays the bills!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I really need another set of arms!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
At any rate, Katie was one of the students awarded with the "President's Award for Educational Excellence" and the "Presidential Fitness Award"! Katie has always been our most athletic child, so I am really glad that she was recognized for this. The Educational Excellence award is a great honor as well!
We would have pictures for this day, but for some reason, our camera has never worked well in the school cafeterias!!
Tosha and Zac are also doing well in school. Tosha was recognized at her awards ceremony for participating on the academic team, which won first place in the Rankin County competition. Tosha and Zac were both exempt from their final exams (except Zac has to take the Algebra exam - he had a tough teacher this year that did not like to explain things very well.).
We are so pleased with how well our children are succeeding in school. We hope that this will continue!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
One of the first things that Katie wants to do, after finishing her homework, is to hold Joseph. She has been very cute to watch with him! I have to fight to hold him during Sacrament meeting!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Catch up
Sorry that it has been a while! I have been busy playing on Facebook! It has been neat to be able to see what family and friends are doing throughout their days/weeks. It is amazing how
many people are on Facebook.
We are doing well here. Joseph was up to 8lbs 14oz at his appointment last Friday. The doctor instructed me to only allow him to eat every three to four hours during the night. He is saying that Joseph's growth is remarkable! So far, we have only had one really bad night with Joseph thinking that he was supposed to eat every 2 hours. Thankfully he is a pacifier baby!!
Tosha had her final band concert for the school year on Monday, and Zac's is tonight. Katie will be playing the trombone next year. So we will now have a tenor sax, an alto sax, and a trombone in the house!
The school year is coming to an end this month and it is none too early! We are all ready for the break! I say break...with Girl's camp, Scout camp, band camp, youth conference, and any other things that might come up, I don't think it will be too much of a break!!! The joys of having teen-agers in the house!!
Monday, April 27, 2009

Joseph was awake, but the flash on the camera caused him to jump!
Thank you Grandpa V.!! We got Joseph a playmat. He loves looking at the toys hanging down and the mirror!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I hope that everybody had a wonderful Easter. That was the first time that Joseph went to church. He did very well - of course he slept most of the time! We then went to a friend's house and had a great afternoon and evening with them and their family. I hate to say it, but the Easter Bunny did not hide eggs this year! He left something in the kids baskets, but no eggs to find. We were going to do an egg hunt at our friend's house, unfortunately Mother Nature was not going to cooperate with us (we were going to do the hunt outside, but we were under a tornado watch, and we had some heavy downpours!).
I hate to admit this, but I am obsessed with lion things for Joseph! When Zac was a baby, you could not find all of the cute lion clothing and other items that are available now. Joseph will be so tired of lions before he officially becomes a "Lyon"! (We are hoping that Joseph will be legally ours in every sense by the last Friday in September. We are then planning on having him sealed to us in the temple in Baton Rouge the Saturday after General Conference.) There are so many cute things out there with lions on them. I just can't help myself!!!
On Saturday I competed in my first 5K walk. I came in 60th. There were a lot of people there, and I was towards the front of the pack! I felt pretty good about this placing. I have no idea how many people were officially there, but it was like a herd of cattle to begin with! The bright yellow shirt I am wearing in the picture is from the race!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Is it morning or night?

We had Joseph weighed last Friday, and he is now up to 6lbs 4oz!!! He is looking so much better. We are to go in again next Friday and have him weighed again. Maybe by then he will be up to 7lbs.Mike is on his way to Wisconsin. He is sooo excited about this - NOT! Thankfully he is only gone for a couple of days!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Rain, rain go away...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
More Pictures